Sunday 8 June 2014

Finally picked up my fineliners...

It's been a few days since I actually sat down and drew anything due to my boyfriend visiting as other things, I have uploaded a few digital patterns but they're just not the same as getting stuck in with a fineliner and paper! My final exam is this week which means that once it's over, I can go home and draw as much as I please; that is, until my mum/nan nag me half to death to get a summer job... Also, check out how rad my nails are :'P it took me ages to do,nail striping tape is fiddly as hell.

In all honesty, I think I haven't drawn much because I've been feeling a bit disheartened by Redbubble. I have a lot of views but I haven't sold anything :( I'm not doing it to make any money (you make peanuts on Redbubble trust me) but the idea of someone owning or wearing something makes me super happy and thats something I have always wanted. Also, if I tell my mum I set up an online shop the first thing that will pop out of her mouth is 'how much money have you made'. Sigh. I would also like some feedback or critique for my work but I don't really know where to get that from. I am just realising this post is going to be super long. Sorry! I'll stop now :)

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